Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Azure DevOps - Questions and Answers

1) What do you understand by DevOps?

DevOps is a culture that implies the collaboration between development and operations teams in an organization. It lays special focus on delivering software products faster and lowering the failure rate of releases.

2)What is the need for DevOps?

In Traditional times, after completing the development part, the code deployment time was huge. As a result, there were issues between the Development Team and Operations Team or the deployment team regarding the server. Well, DevOps solves the Traditional Dev and Ops fights by filling the drift that existed between two.

3) List out the top DevOps tools

  • The most popular DevOps tools are given below:
  • Git: Version Control System tool
  • Jenkins: Continuous Integration tool
  • Selenium: Continuous Testing tool
  • Puppet, Chef, Ansible: Configuration Management and Deployment tools
  • Nagios: Continuous Monitoring tool
  • Docker: Containerization tool

4) What is the use of Test Automation in DevOps?

DevOps does not only revolve around jobs or tools, rather it’s about people, culture, and automation. Continuous testing plays an essential role in writing scripts for software testing and make it auto executable so that we can automate the testing and do the frequent releases using the delivery pipelines.

5) What are the popular DevOps tools for continuous integration and continuous deployment?

The obvious DevOps tools for continuous integration incorporate Jenkins, GitLab CI, TeamCity, Bamboo, Codeship, CircleCI, and Travis CI. The popular DevOps tools for continuous deployment include Azure Pipelines for Deployment, Jenkins, Bamboo, DeployBot, Shippable, ElectricFlow, and TeamCity. 

6) Name the tools that are used for Continuous Testing?

For test Automation there are many open source tools are available, following are few names

  • Selenium
  • JMeter
  • JUnit
  • AntUnit
  • Cucumber
  • SoapUI
  • Tricentis Tosca

7) Describe Azure Boards

Azure board provides service to manage your works, using the Agile Scrum and Kanban templates, Dashboard that we can customize and reporting.

8) Present one example of the use of DevOps in real life?

Real world examples of Devops:

  • Git/GitHub: For source code management and version control system.
  • Docker: For software containerization.
  • Chef: For configuration management.
  • Selenium: For automated testing.
  • Jenkins: For developing CI/CD pipelines and server automation.
  • AWS: For cloud platform integration.

9) What are the important reasons to use Azure Boards?

Azure Boards provides you with a set of predefined work item types to support tracking features, user stories, bugs, and tasks. You can quickly get up and running by using your product backlog or Kanban board. Whatever Agile method you use, Azure Boards supports you with the tools you need to implement that method.

10) What is Azure Repos?

Azure Repos is a set of version control tools that you can use to manage your code. Use version control to save your work and coordinate code changes across your team. Even if you're just a single developer, version control helps you stay organized as you fix bugs and develop new features.

11) What are Azure pipelines?

Azure Pipelines is a cloud service that you can use to automatically build and test your code project and make it available to other users. ... Azure Pipelines combines continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) to constantly and consistently test and build your code and ship it to any target.

12) What are the reasons to use CI and CD and Azure Pipelines?

Implementation of CI and CD pipelines is one of the best approaches for ensuring reliable and quality code. This is one of the important Azure DevOps interview questions that you should focus on. Azure Pipelines offer an easy, secure, and faster approach for automation of processes to build projects and ensuring their availability.

In addition, the use of Azure Pipelines for public projects is completely free. On the other hand, using private projects is also cost-effective as you get around 30 hours of pipeline jobs per month for free. In addition, you can also present the following reasons to use Azure pipelines for CI and CD in such Azure DevOps interview questions. 

Support for any language or platform

Deployment to various types of a target simultaneously

Integration with Azure deployments

Building on Windows, Mac, and Linux machines

Integration with GitHub

Capability for working with open-source project

13) What are Azure Test Plans?

Azure Test Plans are a service with Azure DevOps that provides a browser-based test management solution. The test plans also provide crucial capabilities in exploratory testing, user acceptance testing, and planned manual testing. Azure Test Plans also have a browser extension to provide exploratory testing alongside a collection of feedback from stakeholders.

Manual and exploratory testing are important techniques for the evaluation of a product or service quality. In addition, Azure Test Plans are also responsible for realizing the focus of DevOps on automated testing. Azure Test Plans helps in assimilating the contributions from developers, testers, product owners, user experience advocates, and managers to the quality of a project. 

14) What is the role of Azure Artifact?

Azure Artifacts is an extension that makes it easy to discover, install, and publish NuGet, npm, and Maven packages in Azure DevOps. It's deeply integrated with other hubs like Build so that package management can become a seamless part of your existing workflows.


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