Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Tosca Automation Tools

Tricentis Tosca is a software testing tool that is used to automate end-to-end testing for software applications. It is developed by Tricentis. Tosca combines multiple aspects of software testing to test GUIs and APIs from a business perspective.

Tosca is an enterprise tool because it is suitable to use in large scale applications. The tool comes with a certain price but provides an equal number of features to enjoy. Tosca has gained a lot of attention because it offers a good balance between performance and quality. 

What is the use of the Tosca Tool?

Every automation testing tools comes with both advantages of disadvantages. Hence, it is essential for testers to explore multiple tools to find the best option in the market. 

Tosca automation tool is one of the best and popular automated testing tools. It is highly used in large scale applications to find effective results. Most of the testers in automotive industries, Metal and Mining industries,  Financial and education industries prefer using Tosca because of its user-friendly features.

Benefits of Tosca Tool :

  • Deliver fast feedback for Agile and DevOps
  • Suitable for large scale operations
  • Reasonably Priced
  • Regular Updates
  • Maximize reuse and maintainability
  • Multiple Features in One Tool
  • No Scripting Required
  • Supports Multiple Platforms
  • Quality Vendor Support
  • Easy to Use Interface
  • Tosca is one of the best agile test management tool because it provides many features.
Tosca VS Selenium: 



Tosca is less popular than Selenium.

Selenium is highly popular as an automation testing tool among the companies of all sizes.

Scripting is not required for Tosca.

Multiple scripts are needed for Selenium.

Tosca is a paid tool.

Selenium is a free tool.

Tosca is used mostly by the diversified financial services industry followed by the automotive, metals and mining, airlines, and education services industries.

Selenium is used mostly by the internet software and services industry followed by Professional Services, diversified financial services, media, and communications

The type of automation is model-based for Tosca.

The type of automation is code-based for Selenium.

The ease of adoption and ease of maintenance are very high for Tosca.

The ease of adoption and ease of maintenance are low for Selenium when compared with Tosca.

The re-usability of test data and artefacts is low for Selenium.

The re-usability of test data and artefacts is high for Tosca when compared with Selenium.

Tosca has a dedicated support for deployment and adoption.

Selenium lacks dedicated support for deployment and adoption.


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