Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Ceremonies in Agile scrum

(Q). What are the ceremonies in Agile scrum?
Agile methodology is a practice that helps continuous iteration of development and testing in the SDLC process. Agile breaks the product into smaller builds. In this methodology, development and testing activities are concurrent, unlike other software development methodologies. It also encourages teamwork and face-to-face communication. Business, stakeholders, and developers and clients must work together to develop a product.

Agile Ceremonies in a Scrum
Scrum is a framework that helps teams work together. The Scrum Framework usually deals with the fact that the requirements are likely to change or most of the time not known at the start of the project. Each Scrum Project could have multiple Release Cycles and each release could have multiple sprints. There are a number of repeating sequence of meetings, to be held before, within and after the sprint cycle. There are some agile ceremonies below:

1. Sprint: A Sprint is a defined time period for developing features for a product. Within a Sprint, planned amount of work has to be completed by the team and made ready for review.
2. Refinement Meeting: The purpose of the backlog refinement meeting is to decompose the highest priority items in the product backlog into user stories which are suitable for inclusion in the next sprint.
3. Sprint Planning: It is done after refinement meeting. In this meeting product owner, scrum master, development team, QA team, come together and decides which user stories are need to complete in coming sprint.
4. Retrospective: In this sprint team reviews their work, identifying what they did well and what didn’t go as planned, so they can make the next sprint better.
5. Review: Goal of the review: showcase the work completed and receive feedback from the Product Owner and relevant stakeholders. Review done at the end of each sprint.
6. Stand-Up Meeting: Stand-Up meeting is daily meeting about what did you complete yesterday,
What will you work on today.

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