Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Automation Testing

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is an Automatic technique where the tester writes scripts by own and uses suitable software to test the software. It is basically an automation process of a manual process. Like regression testing, Automation testing also used to test the application from load, performance and stress point of view.
In other word, Automation testing uses automation tools to write and execute test cases, no manual involvement is required while executing an automated test suite. Usually, testers write test scripts and test cases using the automation tool and then group into test suites. Automation testing is a technique uses an application to implement entire life cycle of the software in less time and provides efficiency and effectiveness to the testing software. The main goal of Automation testing is to increase the test efficiency and develop software value.

Image result for what is automation testing with example

Testing tool selection: Phase where you identify and select the automation tool for automation testing. Test Tool selection largely depends on the technology the Application Under Test is built on.

Define scope of automation: What are you going to automate and won't you automate. The scope of automation is the part your application that needs to be automates. It can be determined with the following..

  • Common functionalities across the application
  • Features that are crucial for your business
  • The complexity of test cases
  • Capability to use similar test cases for cross browser testing
Panning, Design And Development: Once you have identified the test cases to be automate, you can design and develop the automation suite, implementing relevant design pattern and framework. During this phase, you create an Automation strategy & plan, which contains the following details-
  • Automation tools selected
  • Framework design and its features
  • In-Scope and Out-of-scope items of automation
  • Schedule and Timeline of scripting and execution
  • Deliverable of Automation Testing
Test Execution: Execute the above designed test case and record the test result.
Maintenance: As new functionalities are added to the System Under Test with successive cycles, Automation Scripts need to be added, reviewed and maintained for each release cycle. Maintenance becomes necessary to improve the effectiveness of Automation Scripts.

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