Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How to install Jmeter in Window 10 ?

JMeter is a pure Java application and should run correctly on any system that has a compatible Java implementation.

Before installing Jmeter, we need to do some work.

1. First check your java version in command prompt by typing below command 

       java -version

2. If you don't have java in your system, you have to download java JDK

Because JMeter is pure Java desktop application, it requires a fully compliant JVM 6 or higher. You can download and install the latest version of Java SE Development Kit.

As of 20th May 2020, Java SE 14.0.1 is the latest release for the Java SE Platform


  • Install Java by right click and Run as administrator

  • Open CMD (command prompt)
  • Run the command javac to check java is installed properly

  • Run the command java -version to check the version

  • Unzip the file
  • Go to folder ..\apache-jmeter-5.3\bin
  • Click on Jmeter.bat

  • Jmeter is ready


  • Do not install jdk without RIght Click Run as Administrator
  • Java will not properly installed
  • Jmeter will not work

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