Friday, November 6, 2020

Appium: Mobile Testing

Appium is a free open-source test automation framework for testing native & hybrid apps and mobile web apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver protocol and supports automation test on physical devices as well as an emulator or simulator.

Appium supports all programming languages that have Selenium client libraries like Java, JavaScript with node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python, C#, etc.

It has NO dependency on Mobile device OS. Because APPIUM has framework or wrapper that translate Selenium Web-driver commands into UIAutomation (iOS) or UIAutomator (Android) commands depending on the device type, not any OS type.

Advantages of Appium:
  • It supports both Android and iOS
  • Allows testers to use real devices, emulator and simulators
  • It is free and open source
  • Enable testers to automate apps without adding extra components
  • It has a very well supported and active Google group
  • It is in the Selenium web driver spec so should be future proof
Disadvantages of Appium:
  • Does not support older versions of android
  • No support for intelligent waits
  • On iOS, you can only execute one test at a time per Mac
  • Limited support for gestures

Prerequisite to use Appium:
  1. The prerequisites to use Appium is Java SDK (minimum 1.6)
  2. Download and install JDK and JRE from Oracle JavaSE
  3. Download Android Studio
  4. Before initializing the Appium Server, Node.js must be pre-installed on the system
  5. Download any programming language  

Robotic Process Automation

Mimicking human actions to perform a sequence of steps that lead to a meaningful activity, without any human intervention is known as Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

Robotic process automation (RPA) occurs when basic tasks are automated through software or hardware systems that function across a variety of applications, just as human workers do. RPA software is designed to reduce the burden of repetitive, simple tasks on employees.

Robotic process automation (RPA) refers to software that can be easily programmed to do basic, repetitive tasks across applications. RPA creates and deploys a software robot with the ability to launch and operate other software.

Relation between Test Automation and RPA:

Automation is key link which is similar in both Software Test Automation and Robotic Process Automation. In both scenarios, the main objective is to complete redundant work faster and by eliminating human error. They help reduce FTE (Full Time Equivalent).

However there are certain differences as well. Test Automation needs to be applied to a product, it has to be implemented via different environments and it's also limited to a set of users.

On other hand, Robotic Process Automation can be applied to business processes and product. It only needs a production environment and can be used by all individuals in a team.

Benefits of RPA:

Top RPA tools:
  • WorkFusion
  • AutomationEdge
  • BluePrism
  • Automation Anywhere
  • UiPath
  • AnotherMonday
  • Kofax

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Behavioral Interview Questions

  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. What do you know about the role as per the Job description?
  3. How your current role is related to the role you are applying for?
  4. Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?
  5. Have you heard about our organisation?
  6. How you handle your feedback from Team lead?
  7. Have you ever disagree with any feedback?
  8. Explain your current role?
  9. What is your strength?
  10. What value will you bring to the organisation?
  11. Your hobby is playing badminton so tell me, if you and your opponent will get tired and you have one match to win then what will be your strategy for winning that match? 
  12. I will give you four options about our company, choose any option and explain what is your thinking about that point?

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