Wednesday, February 19, 2020

System testing

(Q). What is System testing?
System Testing is conducted on the entire system that consists of numerous coordinated components. It helps you ensure that the system meets functional requirement specifications and operates as designed to satisfy user’s expectations.

System Testing is a black box testing technique performed to evaluate the complete system the system's compliance against specified requirements. In System testing, the functionalities of the system are tested from an end-to-end perspective.

System Testing is usually carried out by a team that is independent of the development team in order to measure the quality of the system unbiased. It includes both functional and Non-Functional testing.
Image result for system testing

Sanity Testing

(Q).What is Sanity Testing?
1. Sanity testing is usually not documented and is unscripted.
2. Sanity Testing is like specialized health check up of the software/ application.
3. It is the surface level testing where the QA engineer verifies that all the menus, functions, commands available in the product and project are working fine.
4. Sanity testing is performed after the build has clear the Smoke test and has been accepted by QA team for further testing. 
5. Sanity testing checks the major functionality with finer details.
6. Sanity Testing is done to check the new functionality/bugs have been fixed.

Sanity Testing Benefits, Techniques and Best Practices - XenonStack
The key differences between Smoke and Sanity Testing can be learned with the help of the following diagram -

Smoke testing

(Q).What is Smoke testing?

Smoke testing is non-extensive software testing which makes sure that the most crucial functions of a program are working fine, but not bothering with finer details because in smoke testing we only check the major functionality of the software.
Smoke testing is performed by developers before releasing the build to the testing team and after releasing the build to the testing team it is performed by testers to determine whether to accept the build for further testing or not.
Build: A build is the version of software, typically one that is still in testing stage.
Image result for smoke testing

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