Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How to create test Conditions and Cases

Test Conditions (What to Test)Test Condition is the specification that a tester must follow for testing an Application. An item or event of a component or system that could be verified by one or more test cases, e.g a function, transaction, feature, quality attribute or structural element. For ex. When User Name and Password are valid then application will move forward.

Test Cases (How to Test) : A Test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. 

The process of developing test cases can also help find problems in the requirements or design of an application.

Test Basis : Test Basis is defined as the source of information or the document that is needed to write test cases and also for test analysis. It is also an activity during the phase of Test Analysis and design in the testing process.

Test Case Specification : A test specification is a document determining what functions and features of the software are to be tested during the test procedure, in what way, how often they must be verified, etc.

Examples for writing good Test Case.
  • Test Cases need to be simple and transparent. 
  • Create Test Case with End User in Mind
  • Avoid test case repetition
  • Do not Assume
  • Ensure 100% Coverage
  • Test Cases must be identifiable
  • Implement Testing Techniques
  • Self-Cleaning
  • Peer Review

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Different Environment In Software Development

What are the different environment in software development team?
  1. Local Environment
  2. Test Environment
  3. Production Environment

Local Environment:

A local development environment allows you to use your own machine to run your website, instead of using one provided by a web hosting company.

Test Environment: 

As the name suggests, this is where the software is tested. Test Environment consists of elements that support test execution with software, hardware and network configured. Test environment configuration must mimic the production environment in order to uncover any environment/configuration related issues.

Production Environment:

This is the final environment that we are targeting, where the software will be used 'for real'. So this is the environment at the end of the chain of environments, and where everything must work properly, must perform adequately, must be reliable, and must have suitable protections in terms of security, backup and change control.

STLC (Software Testing Life-cycle)

  • STLC refers to a testing process which has specific steps to be execute in a definite sequence to ensure that the quality goals have been met.
  • In the STLC process each activity is carried out in a Planned and systematic way. 
  • Each Phase has different goals and deliverable.
  • It helps in making the software defects free.

Software Testing Life Cycle: 

Requirement Analysis: 

Requirement Analysis is the first step in Software Testing Life Cycle. In this step Quality Assurance team understands the requirement in terms of what we will testing & figure out the testable requirements.

Test Planning:

Test Planning is most important phase of Software testing life cycle where all testing strategy is defined. This phase also called as Test Strategy phase.
Define the scope of the project like 
  • Perform test estimation.
  • Determine the over all testing strategy & process.
  • Identify the tools and resources.
Test Case Design:

It defines "How to Test". The test case development activity is started once the test planning activity is finished. 

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